Thursday, 18 August 2011

Tuesday 16th - AHOPE again (missing post)

This morning we returned again to “Little Ahope” (0-10s) to spend time with the orphans. As the weather was overcast and drizzly, we found that all the younger children were inside drawing, an activity that they gladly dragged us into. My attempts at drawing Mickey mouse were greeted with hilarious laughing, but I was firmly put in my place when I attempted to draw a cat, only to be interrupted by a 5 year old who took my pathetic attempt and corrected most of it. These guys can really draw!

Vanessa’s attempts were similarly greeted with hilarious laughing, and after drawing a flower, she was firmly told “No, draw a proper flower!” Again the children then proceeded to draw fantastic flowers with perfectly formed petals, stems, leaves and bits that my pathetic knowledge of Biology prevents me from describing!

The children then had a mid morning snack break, and during this time I took the time to wander round the grounds. It was during this time that I reflected on what was happening around us. We have travelled to one of the poorest countries in the world, and are with the most under-priviledged members of society (the orphans) who are also stigmatised by our world by the disease (HIV) they have, which was none of their doing. These orphans are the “least of the least of the least”.....yet their pure and unadulterated joy at the simple pleasures of life, provide a testimony that has challenged and provoked each of us.

I am reminded of the verse in Matthew 25: “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me” (Matt 25 v 40)

So when a child with a scabby head and eczema wants to try my hat on then the answer is “Yes”, when a child with a runny nose want to climb all over me, then the answer is “Yes”, when I am tired, struggling with the heat (27 C) and altitude (2000m) and just need to sit down and a posse of children decide that now is the time to climb all over me, then the answer is “Yes”

After the snack break, the children were all allowed outside to play games. We took this opportunity to get out some of the toys/games that we had brought for them. They have very little and what they do have is pretty old and worn out. We immediately learned a lesson; that if you bring Frisbees, then bring one for every child or explain before you give them out that they are to share.....there was mayhem, as some children took the Frisbees and were not going to share – it took a good 15 minutes to bring the situation under control and teach the group how to enjoy Frisbees together.

We learned our lesson with the foam baseball bats and balls and eventually managed to teach them the importance of taking turns.....although I am not sure they will remember it by the next time we go to Ahope (Next Monday).

By lunchtime we were exhausted and left little Ahope for a well earned lunch, although the waitress did look a bit puzzled when we asked for 8 Pepsi’s when there were only 4 of us.....I guess they had a laugh on us (the strange “Fereng” ).

During the afternoon, we visited the other Ahope home (“Big Ahope”), which is about half a mile away from “Little Ahope” to spend time with the older orphans (11-16’s). When we arrived, we found that the 16 girls had all gone out for the afternoon, leaving 30 boys and seemingly only the kitchen/laundry support staff to oversee them. The boys initial reaction to us was seemingly very cold, as every attempt to start conversation was met with one-word answers followed by a turned back and a shuffle away to do something else. David and I finally persuaded 2 of the boys to join us in a game of table football and this seemed to break the ice. Soon there were small groups of boys coming out with basketballs....although this got very hectic with 4 balls being thrown at one hoop at the same time.

Eventually some of the kids challenged us to a game of 4 on 4. Not a wise challenge to accept at 3pm in the mid afternoon sun....I was soon exhausted and gasping for breath, but the game was fun.

There were still some boys not joining in, so I wandered over to talk to them, and found out that their game was soccer so I suggested they got a ball out and we started a game of keepy-uppy.....again they were far better than us.

Eventually we left for the journey home, and were glad for the opportunity to sit down with a glass of cold water.

Tomorrow we start the sessions with the local MKC church kids...This is another challenge that we are all looking forward to.

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